Coffee capsules were introduced to the market to make it easier to make the daily elixir that wakes us up and gives us energy. Much more now that you can program your capsule coffee maker to make a cup of coffee when you want it.

Although it indeed has its advantages, such as being able to prepare just one cup of coffee, it is the fastest extraction method. It also does not need cleaning because the capsules are disposable.

There is a stark discrepancy between the preservation of coffee flavor and aroma. Well, apparently, the material with which the capsules are made affects the coffee they contain.

The inconveniences that the capsules generate are also valid, even more so since the coffee industry and consumers generally work hard to make the best use of resources and make less trash.

We know that a large part of the coffee industry is committed to organic production. Additionally, it defends the procedures that preserve as much as possible the qualities that provide for a better consumption experience: flavor, aroma, and body.

Not all that glitters is gold. And only some versatile, fast and easy things are beneficial in their entirety.

For my part, I have been testing different brands of coffee capsules, and I have concluded: there are enough reasons NOT to use these coffee makers.

That is why I have dedicated this article, in case you have thought about switching to the comfort of single doses. You should consider more details before doing so, and here I present three of them.


Despite the very high cost of the capsules, it does not mean that it is a specialty or gourmet coffee. No. You are paying for the packaging that contains just between 5 and 8 grams of coffee for your daily cup.

You are paying more than 300% of the average price of coffee. For the ease of preparing your coffee just by placing a single dose and turning on the machine. Really worth it?

As a coffee enthusiast, I’m afraid I have to disagree with this ease.

And the charm of a good cup focuses on the possibility of preparing it with one of the different methods I know of.

Of course, not all of us have the exact needs or points of view. For those who live on the run, the capsule coffee maker is an excellent solution for time, but not for your pocket.


Some tasters and baristas believe that the production process impacts the coffee’s flavor and scent.

Another aspect that varies the organoleptic properties is the roasting process of the coffee for capsules. Which must have a firm toast due to the rapid extraction it is subjected to.

If you doubt this disadvantage, I invite you to watch a blind-tasting video of coffee capsules here. Which Kim Ossenblok, known as barista Kim, uses valuation and terms that show that they are not special at all.

Words like carbon, mold, rubber, and plastic are not the most appropriate to describe a good coffee.


Coffee capsules are made of different materials, such as aluminum, plastic, and organic waste. Difficult to separate when recycling. The process of reusing said materials makes it much more costly.

On top of that, they are produced and discarded in large quantities. Billions of capsules are thrown away in homes, offices, and shopping malls.

Some brands and companies, aware of the enormous polluting problem that capsules generate, have created strategies and campaigns for their collection and classification. However, the success levels could be higher.
In any case, the solution must eliminate the generation of solid waste.

For example, in the city of Hamburg, they calculated what it costs the state to recycle waste capsules. And they concluded that it was a waste of resources. They were prohibiting the use of these coffee makers.


In particular, not having control over the preparation of my coffee already annoys me. The result will always be the same.

Another negative aspect is that each coffee maker has its capsule model, which has unleashed fierce competition for market presence, like the maintenance spare parts for coffee makers.

Finally, I believe that coffee was made for people’s enjoyment and health. And to keep that good energy going, we need to spread it to the whole planet by drinking coffee in a way that is responsible, sustainable, and organic.

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